
Melbourne Femmi Run Community

Join us every Friday morning for Femmi Friday - a women’s, free-to-attend run in Melbourne. All levels are welcome. No need to register in advance, just show up, check in, and hit the pavement with us. After the run, stick around for coffee and chats with a community of like-minded women.
WHEN Every Friday morning, 7:00am WHERE Into Coffee, Collingwood, Melbourne DISTANCE 3km and 5km options PACE Between 6:00’ - 6:30’ mins per km

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Melbourne run community leaders

Run leader for Femmi Friday run in Melbourne, guiding women runners in a community-focused jog.
Liv grew up playing field hockey and only ran when she really had to (complaining the whole way too). Like so many others, she started running during COVID as a way to get outside but also fundraise for a charity close to her heart, and hasn’t stopped since. She loves to run now (having retired from hockey) but mostly loves an excuse to yap for an hour and then drink coffee and have some sweet treats with the gals. Being a Femmi run leader in Melbourne is how Liv gets to share her love of running and yapping, creating some really special friendships and a community that is unlike any other out there. Femmi RC Melbourne is the bees knees.
Run leader for Femmi Friday run in Melbourne, guiding women runners in a community-focused jog.
Ellie never considered herself a runner until she fell in love with it during the many COVID lockdowns in Melbourne. She now loves long distance running, mostly as an excuse to hang out with friends for hours each week. As one of the leaders of Femmi RC Melbourne, she deeply values the Femmi community and has forged lifelong friendships along the way. You’ll find Ellie at Femmi RC Melbourne each week with her best boy Ralph - her Border Collie dog who holds a vice-run leader position.
Run leader for Femmi Friday run in Melbourne, guiding women runners in a community-focused jog.
Community always comes first for Grace.
Grace believes that movement, in any form, empowers people to tackle challenges, and by doing so, they inspire others to take on their own challenges. Whether it's exploring new places, stepping away from the grind, enjoying a weekend long run with friends, or hitting up Femmi Friday runs - running acts as a tool for mental health, confidence and community building. Having lived in many new cities, she’s also seen how powerful sport is towards helping someone find “Their People” and loves paying that positive experience forward. Outside of running, Grace enjoys hitting the trails, hiking, camping, oat flat whites, and patting your dog.
Graphic promoting the Femmi app, showcasing personalized training plans for women runners.