
Brisbane Femmi Run Community

Join us every Friday morning for Femmi Friday - a women’s, free-to-attend run in Brisbane. All levels are welcome. No need to register in advance, just show up, check in, and hit the pavement with us. After the run, stick around for coffee and chats with a community of like-minded women.
WHEN Every Friday morning, 6:15am WHERE Joeys, Kangaroo Point DISTANCE 3km and 5km options PACE Between 6:00’ - 6:30’ mins per kms

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Brisbane run community leaders

Run leader for Femmi Friday run in Brisbane, guiding women runners in a community-focused jog.
Tash started her running journey during the pandemic, discovering the trails as a way to stay active. The connection and encouragement found through communities like Femmi helped her go from a reluctant runner to finding resilience and joy through movement. This year, with the support of the incredible experts she met through Femmi, she completed her first 50km trail ultra. Being a Femmi run leader in Brisbane is a way to share the benefits of movement and community with more women and help them discover they are capable of so much more than they thought they were.
Run leader for Femmi Friday run in Brisbane, guiding women runners in a community-focused jog.
Ella began running to stay fit in the off-season of her sports, but was quickly hooked! She’s found that running is one of the best stress relievers, and that it has a huge positive impact on her mental health. Femmi RC Brisbane has been an incredible addition to her week, and she looks forward to every Friday - to run, catch up, chat and laugh. Ella is keen to begin studying Exercise Physiology in 2025, and to see how her Femmi learnings link in with this degree.
Graphic promoting the Femmi app, showcasing personalized training plans for women runners.